While hair removal is never a fun thing to do, leg hair removal is the easiest and least painful method. There is no shortage of different hair removal solutions: razors, creams, waxes, epilators and lasers.

Each hair removal method has its advantages and disadvantages depending on your skin and hair type. From the formidable efficiency of the razor to the almost definitive elimination of leg hair with the profesional laser, it is important to know each method according to your type of profile in order to avoid all the side problems that can appear after the removal of your legs such as: ingrown hairs, itching and more...

Today we give you the right gestures as well as the new hair removal methods most adapted to your legs.

How to Shave Your Legs Perfectly, the simplest method for leg hair removal

Shaving is surely the fastest and most painless leg hair removal method there is. On top of being easy to master and inexpensive solution, it is also readily available at any time since it is done in the comfort of your own bathroom.

Nevertheless, if the results are fast to obtain, the regrowth leg hair is just as fast and is felt after only 1 to 2 days. Additionally, shaving with a razor tends to cause itching, ingrown hairs, and cuts on the leg and makes it unsuitable for particularly sensitive skin.

Shaving is good or bad for legs?

The advantages of this method are the easiness and swiftness of leg shaving on all areas of the leg. In the shower or in the bathroom, the result is clean right after the passage of the razor giving this impression of soft and perfect skin.

However, shaving leg has several disadvantages. Because of its simplicity many people tend to neglect the preparation and aftershave. This negligence tends to cause razor burn, razor bumps, ingrown hairs which are all small inconveniences that can accompany shaving of the legs and even more so on sensitive skin. 

Not to mention that the more frequent a shave, the more it increases the risk of irritating your skin. But the biggest problem with shaving the legs with a razor is the unpleasant feeling of regrowth, because the razor only cuts the hair at the surface. This causes rapid regrowth which is felt after only 1 to 2 days depend of your type of leg hair.

Woman shaving her legs in the bathroom

Leg Shaving Tips for Silky Smooth Skin 

Here are some tips if you have decided to remove unwanted hair on your legs with a razor:

  1. Prepare your skin by exfoliating it 1 to 2 days before shaving. This is an essential and critical step that reduces the risk of ingrown hairs.
  2. Shaving is to thoroughly wet your legs to soften the hairs. Do not skip this step!
  3. Apply your shaving cream (conditioner works great too) in a thin, even layer. This step will allow your razor to glide more easily and prevent you from cutting yourself.   
  4. Wet your razor and make short, light strokes    
  5. Rinse your razor after each stroke and finally,  never share your razor with anyone
  6. You can apply some coconut oil after shaving to keep the skin soft.

Concerning the direction of shaving, it is recommended to shave in the opposite direction of the hair growth in order to get closer to the hairline and to have a smoother skin longer. It is also recommended to pass the blade a second time in the direction of the growth, from top to bottom. However, this second pass tends to cause irritation to sensitive skin, so please be gentle and make small and Smooth movements. 

Some interesting facts about the razor method for leg hair removal

A common misconception about shaving is that the hair will grow back thicker and darker. In  reality, this is not the case. The hair only appears to be thicker due to the way it has been cut off at the surface of the skin making their tip blunt instead of tapered. 

Menstruation can make some forms of hair removal (waxing, sugaring, electric epilator) more painful due to hormonal change. Shaving can therefore be a preferred solution during these periods.

How to Wax Your Legs at Home 

Waxing is undoubtedly the favorite method of many. And for good reason since it will leave your skin soft for weeks by removing hair at the root. Count on average 4 weeks before seeing them return. This makes it a favorite method when you want to go on vacation without having to worry about your hair. However, this method is not ideal either since it cannot be used on very short hairs! There is therefore often an uncomfortable period of regrowth between two waxings.

The main advantage of this method is above all the duration during which you will be hairless. It will take on average 4 weeks for new hair to regrow from the root. You can also count on this method to remove a great amount of hair at once, which makes it perfect for waxing large areas such as legs.

However, waxing also has its drawbacks. Indeed, this method is never completely painless even if it is possible to get used to it over time. If your pain threshold is low, waxing might not be the best option for you. 

On top of that, you can't epilate as soon as the hair grows back and you have to wait until it is at least ¼ inch long to remove it. The waiting period can be uncomfortable and inconvenient.

It is also a method particularly susceptible to ingrown hairs. Overall, this may not be the most recommended method for those who want perfect and ultra-smooth skin every day.

Things to Know Before Trying Leg Waxing

  • Exfoliation is key! Exfoliate your skin 1-2 days before waxing and continue to exfoliate regularly afterwards to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs

  •  When you wax, your skin should be completely dry. To remove all traces of moisture, do not hesitate to apply talcum powder. In addition to removing moisture, the talc will help the wax to adhere more to the hair instead of the skin.

  • You must apply wax in the direction of the hair growth but you must pull it in the opposite direction

  •  The right motion is important: when you remove the wax, try to do it in one quick, swift motion, staying as close as possible to the skin

Did you know about waxing?

The inside of your thighs is the most sensitive part of your legs. Be careful when waxing this part, especially if your pain threshold is low.

If hair must be long enough to be waxed, it must not however be too long either. Keep in mind that if you want to wax your legs, hair should be between 1/4 and 1/2 inch to get the best results