home IPL for broken capillaries
Tips & Articles for Your Skin

Home IPL for Broken Capillaries: Does It Really Work?

In the chase for perfect skin, broken capillaries are one of the greatest obstacles that can stand in your way. Essentially, these are enlarged blood vessels that have been torn open underneath your skin, causing blood to trickle out of this gap. The result of this is what nobody wants, which is extreme redness around your face.

The high visibility of these capillaries can affect anybody who seeks perfect skin, and it can easily lead to their confidence and social life derailing from where it once was. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case as this issue can be solved through using home IPL for broken capillaries. In this post, we will be looking at one of the most effective and simplest ways to treat your broken capillaries, right at home.

What Causes Broken Capillaries?

There are various reasons why you may be experiencing broken capillaries, but in most cases, it will be caused by trauma to the skin. This trauma can come in one form or the other such as extreme exposure to the sun, popping of pimples, or intense exfoliation or scrubbing. So, if you live in an area with a harsh and sunny climate, you must be wary of this issue and always keep your skin protected.

Genetics will also play a key role in whether your capillaries become broken. So, if your skin has always been sensitive or you have continuously struggled with acne, then it is likely that broken capillaries may also become a problem later in life. However, the complexion of your skin will play the greatest factor in terms of the visibility of your capillaries and those with darker skin tones will find this to be less of an issue.

How Long Does It Take for Capillaries to Disappear after IPL?

Home IPL for broken capillaries

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is one of the greatest combatants against broken capillaries. Naturally, it is easy to feel eager after hearing about this solution, and one of the most common questions we’re asked is, “How long does it take for IPL to treat broken capillaries?” Unfortunately, there is no one-stop-shop answer to this and how long you will require the treatment will vary, depending on several conditions, such as:

  1. The condition of your skin
  2. The condition of your capillaries
  3. How the IPL affects your skin
  4. The IPL technique you use

However, you should generally begin to see some changes after your first few treatments. During this period, the blood vessels on your face will begin to fade away. This means that the overall level of redness around your face or the target area should greatly reduce.

Before you receive your treatment, we also suggest that you speak to your provider about what results to expect, and how long it will take for those results to materialize. As they would have examined your skin beforehand, they will be well placed to give you a range.

Your skin therapist will also be able to suggest the best IPL technique that your skin requires, as certain techniques may not be the best option depending on the condition of your skin. Speaking to your provider should also help manage any expectations that you may have about the treatment, including how long it will take for your capillaries to fully disappear.

Is IPL or Laser Better for Broken Capillaries?

If you have been shopping around for various light-based treatments for your capillaries, then you will likely have heard of laser-based treatments too. This can make it easy to get confused about which option is the best, and various conflicting reports can make it much more difficult to select the best option. However, we tend to prefer using IPL over laser to treat broken capillaries.

One of the main reasons for this is that IPL is highly effective for treating any skin damage caused by the sun, and it can do it all in one treatment. Naturally, if your broken capillaries have been caused by trauma from the sun, you may have other issues on your skin as a result of sunlight overexposure, such as burns and sunspots. By using IPL rather than a laser, you will be able to treat all of these, while also removing your broken capillaries.

The main reason for this lies in the different techniques that each technology employs. If you use a laser to treat your capillaries, its singular wavelength will only be able to target the red or blue color in your vessels. On the other hand, because IPL employs a broader spectrum, it can target the blood vessels, as well as brown spots and areas of poor skin texture, leaving you with much better skin overall.

Can You Use at Home IPL for Broken Capillaries?

Yes, as we have already mentioned, IPL is one of the best ways to treat capillaries. Essentially, the treatment works by directing pulses of light onto your skin in short bursts, or at target or problem areas. As this light is converted to heat, your blood vessels become constricted, reducing the overall redness around the area, while also leaving you looking fresher and more vitalized.

What Laser is Best for Broken Capillaries?

home IPL for broken capillaries

There are three main IPL based therapies used to treat broken capillaries. If you are considering receiving any light-based treatment for this issue, then we suggest that you speak to your provider about which one they will be using during your sessions.

1. IPL Rejuvenation:

This treatment is generally used in cases where vascularity appearance is crucial to the patient. One of the major IPL benefits is that it helps to promote the growth of new cells beneath the surface, which can greatly help reduce the level of redness around your face.

2. Broadband Light (BBL):

The BroadBrand Light (BBL) technology represents one of the breakthroughs in IPL therapy and is one of the reasons why it has continued to grow in popularity. Essentially, this procedure works by beaming a broad spectrum of light onto the surface of your skin. When your body receives this light in the form of heat, newer cells will be stimulated.

As the BBL uses a much broader beam of light, we suggest that you use this treatment if having an even skin tone is one of your major concerns. Additionally, the BBL treatment is non-ablative and non-intrusive, which makes it perfect for treating broken capillaries, as most people with this issue generally have sensitive skin.

3. ForeverYoung:

This is the most recent of these technologies, which quickly rose to fame in the world of light-based therapies. As the name suggests, ForeverYoung is aimed at treating age-related skin issues, including aging that has been caused by overexposure to the sun. So, if you feel that your broken capillaries are a result of being out for too long, then this might be the perfect treatment for you.

The ForeverYoung treatment works by directing the beam of light in multiple passes over the target area on the skin. However, each pass is generally intended to solve a different problem.

Generally, the first pass will aim to improve your skin’s appearance. On the second pass, your provider will then target any problem areas, which in your case will likely be your capillaries, but this treatment can also be used for freckles, age spots, and so much more. The last pass then focuses on keeping your skin’s pigmentation balanced, ensuring that you leave the practice feeling fresher and looking healthier.

How Many IPL Treatments Will I Need?

home IPL for broken capillaries

This is one of the most common questions that we are asked when people learn of using IPL for broken capillaries. Unfortunately, there is no simple and straight answer. There are various factors to consider when thinking about how many treatments you will need.

As everyone’s skin is unique and the severity of broken capillaries varies from person to person, you may require more or fewer treatments than normal. Beyond your skin, there are also several external factors, such as the IPL technology that you choose, and how experienced your skin therapist is at delivering the treatment.

In any case, the best answer will always be to speak to your provider. After examining your skin, they will tell you how severe your case is, what IPL method they will be using, and how many weeks it will take for you to see progress. Generally, you should expect to have at least one to three treatments, with three to four weeks between each treatment.

Wrap Up!

To sum up, during your treatment period, it can be easy to be extremely eager about the procedure, and you may want your results as quickly as possible. However, you must remember that the most important thing that any light-based treatment requires is your patience. The results will come, but it may simply take some time. So, while your broken capillaries may begin to fade after your first few treatments, it may still take months before they fully disappear.